Share data-driven Insights with Power Bi

Transform your digital signage into a dynamic data visualization tool using the Power Bi app. Present complex information in an engaging and easy format.


Display powerful data on screen easily!

  • Add the Power Bi app from the app gallery.
  • Name your app (required) and add an optional description.
  • Authenticate by clicking “Login with Microsoft” for PowerBi access.
  • Paste the graph URL in the “Enter URL” field.
  • Set the Refresh Interval (default: 30 minutes) for your graph.
  • Choose to display the report’s page at the bottom screen (optional).
  • Click “Save,” and your app is ready to use.


How can using the Power Bi app help you?

Visual Data Storytelling

Use the Power Bi app for digital signage to create stunning data visualizations that simplify complex information, making it easy for your audience to grasp and act upon.

Real-Time Analytics

Integrate the Power Bi app for digital signage and display live dashboards and reports, providing up-to-the-minute insights and enabling informed decision-making.

Customized Reporting

Customize your data displays to match your brand’s aesthetics and specific data requirements, ensuring a cohesive and professional look.

Data-Driven Engagement

Use the Power Bi app to offer data insights and improve content strategy. By showcasing relevant information, promotions, and trends you will increase audience engagement.