FuneralScreen is better. We provide a live streaming service for each unique funeral service that your home offers. This allows you the opportunity to offer additional services to help support the family. This is a much easier way to LiveStream your funeral services – one family at a time. Experience a world-class live streaming experience with our flexible options:
Stream with ease – choose from a private hosted stream page or embed code for your website.
Take your streams to the next level with a branded video stream and playback page, hosted for 1 week.
Delight each family and bring your services to life with a fully customized video page designed specifically for each family. Immerse your clients in a seamless video experience with a live stream, on-demand video playback, and a beautifully branded and customized hosting page that is yours to keep for an entire year. Choose to share your streams through a private page or easily embed them on your own website. Each family gets up to 8 hours of streaming services with a single video stream included.
All streams come with the choice of a private streaming page or easy-to-use embed code, and each family gets up to 8 hours of streaming services with a single video stream included.
* All streams are available with either a private streaming page or embed code. 1 Video stream for family includes up to 8 hours of streaming services.